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Correct Diagnosis, Tragic Cure

Yesterday, the team here at Mile One Mission were listening to a short clip of a TED talk, and the topic of this talk was happiness. Essentially, it's something everybody is searching for, yet few seem to ultimately attain. The central theme of this talk was that happiness is not the goal, which is why so few people are happy. What we actually need in life is meaning. ...

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Don't Be Afraid of New Ideas...

But don’t rush in to accept them either. You don’t have to look very far, especially on the Internet, to find “new” ideas and approaches to Christianity. People struggle with the faith they grew up with, which I think is a good thing, and wrestle with what scripture says vs what they’ve always been taught....

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Stuck or Sent?

Have you ever felt stuck? You know that feeling that creeps in when a situation or experience or decision suddenly becomes so overwhelming that you break out in a cold sweat and you feel absolutely helpless?...

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Encountering Criticism

Let’s face it, everyone is a critic. Everyone has something to say and everyone has an opinion. And if you, personally, don’t have an opinion on something, then you can be rest assured that someone will give you their opinion for not having an opinion....

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God knows what He's doing

Earlier this year I had an amazing opportunity to participate in a virtual talk with TGC Canada on church planting in a pandemic. Myself and three other pastors/planters across Canada joined together to discuss our experiences starting a church on the heels of COVID19. I don’t think any of us – going into 2020 – anticipated planting in a pandemic. But here we are, N...

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A Glimpse of Downtown, St. John's

When you think of downtown, St. John's, a number of things go through your mind: jellybean row, the shops and restaurants, George Street, Mile One Stadium, Signal Hill, The Battery, and the waterfront. It's a beautiful place to visit and spend an evening. One thing that probably doesn't enter your mind is the actual neighborhood of downtown St. John's. Mile One Mission ...

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A Momentary Light Affliction

I don't do well with death. I hate it. In my 38 years, I've been to one wake and three funerals. I've said goodbye to a dear friend who died tragically on Cougar Flight 491 and I've said good-bye to two of my wife's grandparents; last night was her third. Despite not having any living grandparents myself, I've never buried anyone in my immediate family. Neither parents, ...

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The Battle With Temptation

The Battle with Temptation Let's face it, we all struggle with temptation. Some of us may deal with different sins than others, but that ever-present voice of the devil is always whispering in our ears, "This will satisfy you. This will fulfill you. This is what you need right now." Of course, if we're honest, we know of the excess of guilt and shame that follows in the ...

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Hope for those struggling to pray

I am sure I am not alone in confessing that a consistent prayer life is a challenge. We sleep in, only to scramble out of bed and rush into the busyness of the day, later wondering why our souls draw near to almost anything and anyone else before they ever draw near to Christ. Or perhaps we have had a long day at work or school, and simply desire a snack afterwards and a ...

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Perspective from a new intern

My name is Kurtis Rodgers and I am a summer intern here at Mile One Mission. I am from St. John's, NL and have just recently graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a Bachelor of Music (BMus). I have been attending Calvary Baptist Church for nearly 2 years, but this is my first time in a role such as this. As I approached the summer internship, I have many ...

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