Perspective from a new intern
My name is Kurtis Rodgers and I am a summer intern here at Mile One Mission. I am from St. John’s, NL and have just recently graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a Bachelor of Music (BMus). I have been attending Calvary Baptist Church for nearly 2 years, but this is my first time in a role such as this. As I approached the summer internship, I have many expectations and things that I would like to learn throughout the summer. I would certainly like to grow in knowledge (both theologically and doctrinally) as well as practically. I anticipate that there will be a lot of reading and study, which I enjoy so I am looking forward to that. In fact, I’ve already been given a stack of books to read straight out of the gate. Expanding my knowledge in this area is something I’ve always been interested in, but I also think it’s important to develop a right understanding of God’s Word and studying it more diligently throughout my summer here will go a long way.
Being both a musician and serving on the church music team, I’m also eager to grow in this area as well. Recently we released our rendition of the song ‘How Vast The Love’, so similar projects such as that, or perhaps even working on original worship songs is something I hope to be a part of.
Preaching is a brand-new area of ministry for me. It’s a little intimidating but I want to sit under the guidance of the staff and learn as much as I can. How do I exegete a passage of Scripture? How do I make it applicable for the church? Where do I begin? How do I preach my first sermon? All these questions are what I’m wrestling through right now, but I know that the staff here at Mile One Mission will help me along the way.
Given the vision of Mile One Mission, I look forward to serving in whatever means necessary as we strive to plant churches across our city, particularly with our first church-plant, Kilbride Community Church. Going into a community and building a church from the ground up is difficult, it comes with many challenges, but I believe it also bears much fruit. I want to see a church in Kilbride planted as well as many more across our city and province. Newfoundland and Labrador are a place in desperate need of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
One of my prayers for this summer is clarity for God’s plan for my life. I’m unsure if He’s calling me into ministry right now, but I hope my experience working with Mile One Mission will help me know God’s will. Our province has a long history of religious tradition and rituals, though it lacks salvation, and it lacks the power of the gospel. I hope and pray that with God’s help, and much time spent in prayer, Mile One Mission can help bring about a revival inside the hearts of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, and that the eyes of the people of our province will be fixed on the cross of Christ. This hope is ultimately what has me excited for my summer internship.
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