Matthew Lahey
My name is Matthew Lahey, father of three and husband to my beautiful wife, Ruth. My family and I moved back to Newfoundland in 2018 after spending seven years in Australia. During that season I began studying towards a Bachelor of Theology and it was during this time I felt extremely challenged about my lack of involvement in the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20).
Newfoundland is my home and there are many people in this amazing province – let alone St. John’s – who, at best, have a surface level knowledge of Jesus and, yet, don't know Jesus. Added to this, Newfoundland's capital city - St. John's - sees less than 1% of it's population attending an evangelical, gospel-centred church on any given week. When we talk about unreached and forgotten people groups in Canada, Newfoundland may very well be near the top.
There's much work to be done here in Newfoundland.
It is both humbling and exciting that God would provide my family and I with an opportunity to plant a church in one of the southern neighbourhoods of St. John's called Kilbride.
May all the glory and honor be given to Him!
Support: To support Matt, click on the button below and then on "Give To (choose Kilbride Community Church from the drop down list)::
Adam Diamond
I currently live in St. John’s with my wife, Sabrina, and my two children, Rae-Lynn and Isaac. We moved to the capital after feeling the desire for church planting grow and having felt like God was calling my wife back to school for her master’s. After a number of things fell into place, we found ourselves in a city that, although it has deep religious roots, is quite post-Christian.
We feel like, and have already experienced, God moving in the lives of the people in this city. We are both truly excited about what God is accomplishing and will accomplish through Mile One Mission. I have a Bachelor of Theology in Youth Ministry from Vanguard College, while my wife has a Bachelor of Nursing through the Western Regional School of Nursing.
Support: To support Adam, click on the button below and then on "Give To (choose Downtown Community Church from the drop down list)::
John Lewis
I was born in Jackson, Mississippi but grew up in the coastal city of Biloxi. At the age of 21 I joined the US Air Force and served two terms in the Transportation field in North Dakota, Germany, Italy, and Washington DC. It was during my time in Germany that I became a Christian when a coworker shared the Gospel message with me.
After my military service I joined the Biloxi Police Department and served as a patrol officer until late 2019 when I retired. During my career I was blessed with the opportunity to complete a bachelor degree in Christian theology, a master of arts in business management and leadership, and a master of divinity in evangelism and church planting.
Throughout my life God has blessed me with many great opportunities, challenges, and experiences that have helped me grow in my faith and dedicate myself to serving the church where needed most. I live in Goulds now and serve with Pastor Matt Lahey with the Kilbride Community Church plant.