Planting Seeds
1 Corinthians 3:7-9
7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. 9 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.
The truth of the matter is this: it is God who is more excited about His kingdom, His mission and His gospel then we are; God is the Perfecter, the Author, the Sustainer, He is Creator, He is missional, He is passionate and He will grow His kingdom according to His good, perfect and pleasing will.
Have you ever thought about how we are not merely vessels, but also his coworkers? We are His co-workers! God doesn’t need us to see His kingdom expand. After all, at the sound of His voice, creation exploded into existence.
Yes, my title is ‘church planter candidate’ but, in reality, that means nothing. It's just a title. All I've done is remain obedient to what God has put before me. He's opened doors and blessed me with certain skills and I've allowed the Spirit to guide me. I might plant some seeds and water them, but in the end, it is God who will make things grow.
But I am His co-worker. Woah.
For the last 7 weeks, Kilbride Community Church (KCC) has been putting on a Bible study of sorts, in the community, with the aim of drawing closer to the community and engaging with the community a little more. That being said, the last seven weeks have been emotionally hard. They’ve have had their ups and downs; encouragement and discouragement; praise and prayer.
For 7 weeks we’d had 0 interactions with the community around us. After countless social media posts, two community-focused mail-outs, and many more conversations, it seemed that all of it was for not…until two weekends ago.
On our second last week the topic of our study was prayer. And it was during our talk that KCC received a random message from a lady in the community who was interested in knowing more about KCC, attending our Bible study and getting back into a church again.
All we have done is planted and watered a few seeds in the community. That’s it.
We entered this phase knowing that the ground was going to be hard and if any seeds were going to be planted, they would, in turn, be watered by God. We had to constantly remind ourselves that it would only be through and by God that His kingdom would expand.
A seed has been planted, yes, but there’s much work to be done. The community of Kilbride is His field; Kilbride Community Church, His building.
During that week the Lord’s Prayer rang truer to me than at any point in the weeks prior:
“Your Kingdom come, your will be done. On earth, as it is in Heaven.”
To Him be all the glory.
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