Partner with Mile One Mission
"The vigorous, continual planting of new congregations is the single most crucial strategy for (1) the numerical growth of the body of Christ in a city and (2) the continual corporate renewal and revival of the existing churches in a city." - Tim Keller
As we work towards our vision of bringing gospel renewal through the planting of gospel churches, we need significant resources. We are praying for gospel partners to help us recruit, train, coach and support leaders who have a vision to start gospel-centered churches in Newfoundland and Labrador. Your financial gift will help us:
- Recruit gospel workers,
- Train indigenous Newfoundland and Labrador church leaders.
- Provide Grants for new church plants.
- An immediate need is the construction of a training facility. God has graciously provided for us a strategic piece of land and we are praying for partners to help us begin construction.
Please give today. Your gift will make a huge difference!
Interested In Partnering With Us?
If you are interested in coming alongside Mile One Mission as a supporting partner and would like to learn more, please e-mail us @
Interested In Donating?
By Mail
Cheques Payable to Calvary Baptist Church and mailed to:
Calvary Baptist Church
775 Topsail Road
Mount Pearl, NL
Please note that the donation is for Mile One Mission in the memo.
Canadian Residents (e-transfer)
If you a Canadian resident, and would like to partner with us via e-transfer, please send your donation to
US Organizations, Canadian & International Donors
If you are a US Church or organization, Canadian or International donor, you can make a one-time or recurring donation using the give button below:
US Residents - For Individuals Only
If you're a US resident and would like to receive a charitable tax receipt, you can give to us through our partner, 20schemes. Click the link below and select Mile One Mission in the Fund dropdown box and we will receive your donation.
We are thankful for all of your support and should you choose to designate your contribution to a particular program or project, we will honour that restriction, with the understanding that when the need for that program or project has been met or should we determine that it cannot be completed, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.