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So Abram went

"So Abram went" (Genesis 12:4) Have you stopped to consider those three words? Ask any biblically literate Christian to recite a verse that is three words or less and, they'll most likely quote John 11:35: "Jesus wept." Two short words that carry a lot of punch. As I was reading through Genesis earlier today, I came across three words that caused me to stop: Genesis 12:4...

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The weight of snow

The Weight of Snow I love how God allows us to see gospel messages in nature, and how He reminds us of His great power through natural phenomenon and weather. I'm no stranger to natural disasters. Back in January '98, I lived through one of the worst natural disasters in Canadian history. At the time, nearly 100mm of freezing rain fell over parts of eastern Ontario and ...

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Snowmageddon 2020

Snowmageddon 2020 It's certainly been a wild week here in St. John's Newfoundland. You've likely heard about the massive snow/wind storm that we had here 7 days ago. We're still recovering from the whopping 70-90cm of snow that fell and the city is still in a State of Emergency (SOE). Among all of it, I'm trusting that God is in control over the weather. "He givessn...

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Pastor, Don't Neglect this Group of People

'Pastor, this group feels left out.' If you have been in pastoral ministry for any length of time, and especially in a multi-generational established church, you have most likely had something like that said to you. A common struggle of pastoral ministry is navigating the competing interests of sub-groups within a church. Reflecting upon 23 years of pastoral ministry, I d...

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Peace Like A River

WHEN I WAS A YOUNG BOY When I was in Grade 6 my teacher asked the entire class if anyone wanted to participate in a public speaking event being held at the school. Whomever participated would be required to research, memorize and recite their findings for the entire student body. Unsurprisingly no one volunteered. For whatever reason, myself and my friend were voluntol...

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